
In search of our Unicorn.

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By Sajjad Suhail-Sindhu, Edited By Adam Rizvi, The India Observer, TIO: There is a mythical creature resembling a horse with a single horn protruding from its forehead, often depicted in fantasy novels and movies. In movies this creature is always accompanied by the most hopeful, most inspiring music from the romantic classical era – think Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s 4th, symphony, 2 nd movement, (17 minutes into the start of the symphony). The entire symphony depicts a battle with fate, that inexorable force that prevents our aspirations to happiness from being achieved. And this rousing, uplifting music accompanying images of a Unicorn running through the open terrain, green fields or the vast open ocean front unimpeded by any obstacles, is a fitting ensemble of the unachievable perfection that is our goals in life.

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Simply put, we need a Unicorn in real life to accompany us as we traverse the obstacles that stop us moving forward, obstacles we trip over and fall, stopping us in our tracks, someone who would be the embodiment of one such creature! Writers are often looked upon to provide us with something out of the ordinary, something new, something that holds our attention long enough to allow the underlying message to be delivered before the interest or concentration is lost. This is my attempt as a writer to bring you the reader, something new, and while you read this the overriding message of looking for a savior that embodies the unique qualities embedded within will become clear.

My definition of a “Unicorn” is that it is the embodiment of a whole range of, combination of positive qualities that come together to form a rare person of qualities which define one so rare that your very existence is practically of mythological status.

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This type of person will often be less socially active, due to the fact that they do not tend to roll smoothly with the majority of society, and they choose to avoid unnecessary conflict, while guarding assets only they possess and which they work constantly to solidify and eventually come to identify with the “unicorn’s” more unique perspectives, interests, emotional and spiritual maturity, and, or moral consistency, unmatched by those around them. Such a person will meet people and if they are lucky enough to find in him the answers to their hopes and dreams, he will change their lives for all time.

It is for all these reasons, I reach out to all Pakistanis and Muslims wherever you are while reading this, and alert you that I am one such Unicorn. In my life, I’ve met people and due to my unique abilities and humanity, I have changed their lives, many times. Some have mistakenly called me an “angel”.

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And in my capacity as a Unicorn, I write this with a view to capturing your attention, your imagination and holding you to my message for at least the length of time it takes for you to read this.

The quadrennial phenomenon known as the US elections for the US presidency are upon us – again. And the hype is in full blown hyperbolic spin, in high gear both sides.

The choice of a President is intrinsically linked to the social and economic policies of the party that President belongs to, and to all intents and purposes, to anyone who has paid any level of attention to the politics of the hour, that the things that truly matter are rarely discussed in favor of the deliberate distraction served us on a wall to wall basis – that’s 24/7 in American speak.

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One’s support for a specific political party ought to depend on the details of the policies of the two parties that interchangeably rule us, having supposedly been put into office by the circus that is the election process that runs for two whole years. And yet, if one was to stand at the gates of the white house, and take notice of the who’s who of those that come and go, and ostensibly bring influence to bear on the President and part constituents of the administration, one might be alarmed at not seeing the Principles of the schools our children go to, or the heads of our local housing authorities or leaders of those very important people, EPA, those that provide us with clean water or the clean air we breathe. No, it is more likely to be the heads or representatives of corporations that are destroying the world we live and making us sick as part of these corporations being successful, think, PepsiCo, Coca Cola and Berger King or McDonalds and Northrop, and Raytheon. And as of late, Elon Musk of Tesla, who it is whispered may soon be one of the secretaries in a future Trump administration, and who wants the world to know that he is the greatest man in history to undertake the cleaning up pollution with his electric cars! No one has dared to ask him, “How exactly is electricity created, “and is he aware of the wholesale pollution that results from such creation?

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The policies these corporations bring to bear on the administration are never debated publicly in the two yearlong circuses of electioneering, a political process that is meant to show us, the electorate, the faces and more importantly allow us to become familiar with the candidates and the issues that matter to them, issues they are supposed to win over our votes with. We get to hear and debate the policies and issues of the parties that both hinder, and or facilitate our lives, issues central to the selection of our leaders. It is my intention in this effort to consider the reasons for the choice of a candidate belonging to a party that manifestly espouses and practices policies that are in line with our value systems, and ask, is there Unicorn out there to rousingly deliver us to an equitable and just existence?

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Traditionally, we vote for one of the two established parties, the Democrats and or, the Republicans. And if one was to ask a member of the public to name a specific policy that either of the two parties is responsible for, if we are lucky, and the person asked has kept his ear to the ground, he or she will voice something rather disturbing that is underway at the present time – something that has surreptitiously, made itself into the operational policies of the Democrats running this country, without much opposition from the Republicans. This very disturbing practice that I mention is to do with children, who are allegedly, being offered gender change operations without the parents being involved, and this feature at least, Trump DID point out in his debate with Kamala Harris. In fact, allegedly, if a child was being coerced at home to alter his thoughts, he would be taken away from the parents. This is so against our values that this subject absolutely NEEDS our attention. Who amongst you remembers this aspect of our children’s lives being discussed as part of the Democrats party politics? And was it to have been an issue for consideration upon which Joe Biden were to have been selected, would we have selected him? This issue is so jarring to our values that instinctively we would think long and hard about voting Democrat. At the same time, the Republican’s candidate, former President, Donald J Trump thinks nothing of voicing anti-Muslim tropes. If these issues are the norm, emanating from the two main parties, where then do we look for someone more agreeable to us? Who is, or will be our Unicorn? Neither R F Kennedy Jnr, nor Dr. Jill Stein was invited to the solitary debate, that effectively ended Joe Biden’s run at a second term and brought us Kamal Haris, who one must know, could never, on her own, have won a single primary, let alone have been nominated for the Democrats candidate. Those who remember the 1968 elections will clearly see the similarities being played out here, and elaboration of which is a topic for discussion in another article, where there to be any interest shown.

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The absence of JFK Jnr and Dr. Stein from that debate meant that the viewers were not served well as they were not exposed to the new ideas and policies that Dr. Stein and JFK Jnr would inevitably have elaborated upon, and the tired and failed policies of the past, are being forced upon the American people, the two candidates whose reach into the past is longer then the vision of a future that we want for ourselves and our children, a vision far removed, for the ongoing wars that are tied to a past so far in the past that the soon to be / elected, or selected Presidents will be placed in office to deal with issues of long go, a time and a place our children were neither born of, nor have any vested interest for their futures.

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So, in searching out our Unicorn, that unreachable enigmatic entity that will lead us to Nira*, with visions that look to the future as opposed to continuing to serve and support the same old vested interests, we must recognize that a need for new ideas, and support of those who carry those ideas, is an investment in our futures, and that of our children’s. With effort, we will develop tactical acumen and mental fortitude; to stay the course with those fledgling candidates, whose values are in line with ours. Surely the reader will know by now that Jill Stein is our Unicorn, and we need to take steps to immerse ourselves with her party, the Green party, and help guide her, become part of what direction she takes, and help steer that direction, in ways that suit us. The future we want for ourselves, and our children, is there for us to achieve. Just like an adaptive filter in mathematics, we know where we want to go, and see the obstacles in front of us, by continuing to iteratively minimize those obstacles, reducing them to zero, we can get to our destination.

Nira*, as opposed to Nirvana, a prophecy of Nostradamus, wherein a leader leads the people to a place of social justice and equitable existence.

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Sajjad Suhail Sindhu

Sajjad Suhail Sindhu

British-American. Scientist, Writer, and Political Analyst.

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