
Nuclear War – Why are we not talking about it?

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By Sajjad Suhail-Sindhu, Edited By Adam Rizvi, The India Observer, TIO: The observant amongst us will have noted the socio-political goings on to include, the world’s largest elections underway in India, where voters will decide their Prime Minister in the final stage of the voting, and OPEC plus meeting in Vienna, some of whom may remember the 1982 signing of the landmark nuclear weapons treaty between US and Russia that Donald Trump tore up, catalyzing a world where Israel, NATO and Russia now check the use of nuclear weapons whether it be in GAZA or Ukraine, and the visit to Chinese capital, Beijing, where president Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed amongst others from the BRICS countries were with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

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Chinese President Xi Jinping unanimously condemned Israel’s invasion of RAFA enabled by the weaponry provided by the USA UK and EU nations, underwritten by Anthony Blinken whose unconditional support of Israel has meant that TNT worth several Hiroshima’s have been dropped, laying waste to the open air prison called Gaza, the same place, where senior senator Lindsey Graham allegedly remarked dropping nukes, which he later denied, saying, “ I never said Israel should drop a nuclear bomb on Gaza.” This loose talk of nuclear war, dropping of Nukes has also come from Israel, by elected officials there.

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Perhaps it is worth visiting what has transpired over the last 30 years, that is so dangerous that the lack of public discourse ought to be on the minds of those who look forward to a better tomorrow, for things that have taken place in this time frame does not sound promising – does not provide a path to a better tomorrow. The 1987 nuclear treaty, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear (INF) that Donald tore up was Colin Powell’s greatest achievement with President Reagan when he was the national security adviser and had said at the time, “it was the most important nuclear weapons treaty of all.

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These weapons were the most dangerous of all and now, we’ve destroyed them.” Add to that, the   that George Bush’s unwise act of abrogating, essentially because the neoconservatives in his government wanted him to do with an eye to enriching themselves enormously, with the expensive apparatus associated with Ballistic Missile Defense, BMD, but also because they wanted to make sure that in the future they could defend themselves against a nuclear strike contemplating that they would launch such a strike.

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With such dereliction of, nuclear safeguards, and zero talk of adequate and perhaps serious, more effective replacement versions of the same, why is no one talking about newer safeguards, especially in the light of the debacle that is Ukraine, where daily news of additional aid for Ukraine fills the airwaves. Exactly how wise is what we’re doing in Ukraine and Gaza and elsewhere? And if that disquiet was not enough, a daily beaming of horrendous pictures from RAFA and elsewhere, keeps the viewers occupied, and away from the thoughts of a Nuclear holocaust that might be just around the corner – especially if NATO members finally call in Article 5, and if that seems absurd, pay attention to what France, Britain and others are talking about – for serious happening just underneath what we are presented with.

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Those who paid attention to prevailing news at the height of the cold war during the 1970s and 1980s will remember televised discussions, as if to prepare the audience of the time, the likelihood of the outcome of a nuclear war and how the commentators would comment, “ we can possibly live with deaths of tens of thousands before the war is brought under control.” Add to that the constant practice of school children being guided through the practice of finding protection hiding underneath their wooden school desks. We might be closer than ever before to a nuclear exchange but for reasons unknown, there is zero public discourse. This ought to be very alarming, especially as comments coming Russia’s Serge Lavrov include, “the third world war will be a nuclear war.”

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Curated and Compiled by Humra Kidwai

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Sajjad Suhail Sindhu

Sajjad Suhail Sindhu

British-American. Scientist, Writer, and Political Analyst.

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