

Rightwing Hindutva burns Santa Claus! Christmas for Believers, Holy Nights were Not Silent, Not Calm Nothing was Bright.

…be the Voice of Free Press: LIKE, SHARE, SUPPORT The Christmas Feeling May be Missing, but the Spirit of Jesus

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India is A secular nation, its values must never be compromised!

Like, Share, Subscribe… be the Voice of the Free Press. Support  By Nazarul Islam, Edited By Adam Rizvi, TIO: Does

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Ladeeda, Ayesha, Jamia students hog limelight at massive anti-CAA rally in Hyderabad

Owaisi says stage set for a long-drawn fight for the move to save Constitution …Like, Share, Support. Be a part

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India has a long history of Meat Eating From Ramayana to the scriptures, it’s clear

The Vedas refer to about 50 animals deemed fit for sacrifice and, by inference, for eating. Folks with infantile minds

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