

Are free elections, not fair elections?

Like, Share, Subscribe to Fearless Journalism. Stand with TIO    By Nazarul Islam, Copy Edited By Adam Rizvi, USA, TIO:

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It matters little, what you call someone…

Bigotry, fascism it stinks Perdue goes down to that level, evoking past horrible painful memories of Racism …be the Voice

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The New Terms of Endearment

be the Voice of Free Press, Like Share, Subscribe By Nazarul Islam, Copy Edited By Adam Rizvi, New York, TIO:

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Gandhiji, India has shrunk!

 SHARE, LIKE, COMMENT…be the Voice of Free press By Nazarul Islam, Copy Edited by Vijaylakshmi Nadar, TIO: Mankind does not reflect

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Picking up the straws of governance

Like, Share, Subscribe…be the Voice of Free Press By Nazarul Islam, Edited by Adam Rizvi, New York, USA, TIO: The

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Will hospitals run out of beds…

Like, Share, Support…be the Voice of the Free Press By Nazarul Islam, Copy Edited By Shafaat Khan, USA, TIO:  India

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PIA: Let’s be honest, about the Airbus tragedy!

Like, Share, Support…be the Voice of Free  Press By Nazarul Islam, Sr. Correspondent, Edited By Adam Rizvi, TIO: In a span

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Chasing the gods of mobility!

Like, Share, Subscribe…be the Voice Of Free press By Nazarul Islam, Edited By Adam Rizvi TIO: Obviously, when Narendra Modi took

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The politics of evil…Fascism, Bigotry, Hate, & Terrorism

Like, Share, Support…be the Voice of Free Press Our fears need to be addressed. We are a ‘frightened’ people, sharing

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India’s rising surge of ‘Hindu’ Nationalism!

You are Here: Tweet, Like, Share, Comment, Subscribe…be the Voice of Free Press! Edited by Adam Rizvi, The India Observer

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Not corrupt in India? Then, you are THE problem!

By Nazarul Islam The last two weeks constituted an unbelievable fortnight. And even in this high ‘season’ of Kashmir, two

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